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Maharishi Aazaad thanks Manipur Government for Including Sanskrit Language in Schools


International Ambassador of Sanskrit Maharishi Aazaad thanks Manipur Government for Including Sanskrit Language in Schools and Special thanks to his close friend Minister of (YAS/WRD) Manipur Letpao Haokip.

The Ultimate Megastar Of World Maharishi Aazaad and Letpao Haokip Minister of Manipur

Maharishi Aazaad Made First Mainstream Sanskrit film of the world AHAM BRAHMASMI, to bring and spread the Brahmavakyaof the Vedas to every corner of the world.

The Ultimate Megastar Of The World

Letpao Haokip Minister of (YAS/WRD) Manipur always supported and contributed with Maharishi Aazaad in the Mission of Development Of Sanskrit.

Letpao Haokip

Manipur Education Minister S Rajen on Thursday said Sanskrit will be introduced in the curriculum of selected schools and colleges in the state. Manipur University is also planning to open a department for the subject, he said.

“Authorities concerned will be approached to speed up the process,” an official release quoted the minister as saying.

The Ultimate Megastar Of World Maharishi Aazaad and Letpao Haokip Minister of Manipur

Maharishi Aazaad The Ultimate Megastar Of World said in his interview with National Bureau that The Movement he started for Uplifting and Promoting Sanskrit Worldwide has started showing results. His Mission has already been achieved in many states of India namely Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.

Maharishi Aazaad is happy to know that even in Manipur, the government has decided to inculcate Sanskrit in their school’s syllabus, which is a great decision.

Education Minister of Manipur S Rajen Singh

He also said that Sanskrit should be inculcated in every schools and college, as Sanskrit is the oldest language of the world and also the mother of many languages.

Maharishi Aazaad the Ultimate Megastar Of The World also says like Manipur other states should try to take such steps for the development of the mother of many language ‘Sanskrit'.

The Ultimate Megastar Of World Maharishi Aazaad and Letpao Haokip Minister of Manipur

Maharishi Aazaad believes that his mission of Development Of Sanskrit will be successfully achieved in every state of India.

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